RISE: Sign Up

Hey Queen; I see you.

You’re a warrior. You’re successful in your line of work, you’ve made it through some tough times, straightened your crown and always come through the other side. You’re starting to notice that you feel more energised when you connect with your spiritual side, whether it’s Yoga or the other spiritual practices you’ve tried. It helps you, and you know there’s something you need to heal. 

And you want to go deeper…

  • The thought of healing is overwhelming…where do you even begin, who do you go to, how do you know it’s even working, what if it all goes over your head?
  • You know there’s something missing – maybe you’ve not yet learned the tools to look deeper and tap into your power and self love rituals – you often find yourself mindlessly scrolling or glued to the sofa after work without knowing why.
  • You’re starting to feel a bit stuck in some of your relationships, but you don’t know how to do things differently or stop feeling triggered in the moment.
  • You’ve tried therapy already, and it was expensive and had no long term effect. You still get triggered by family members and friends and it’s easier not to think about forgiving others for the pain they’ve caused you.
  • You know that if you don’t make a change, you’ll feel exactly the same way and be in exactly the same situation next year, or worse, you’ll burn out – and you don’t want that.

Do you really want to spend your whole life trying to heal through expensive therapy that doesn’t even help, when you could be out there living your best life?

What if in 8 weeks you could go from:

  • Ignoring the niggling feeling that you need to heal
  • Wasting hours online looking for a programme that will actually help you, only to end up more confused with the huge amount of programmes out there
  • Curling up on the sofa watching mindless TV every evening – and then feeling guilty that you didn’t do something for your wellbeing


  • Feeling actual healing taking place, with effortless ease.
  • Feeling energised so that you can be completely present for all of the beautiful moments that make up life.
  • Feeling completely in alignment and connection with your divine feminine power
  • Living a life on your terms, without feeling guilty for putting yourself first.

All while being held in a safe container with the support of your sisterhood of women, women who really understand because they’re right there in it with you.

Warrior woman, you’re in the right place – and your time is now.

Get ready to fall more in love with your life than you thought possible.

Introducing RISE: The 8 week Self Love Programme for Women.

Who Am I?

I’m Rehmat, the founder of Orb Wellbeing.

I’m a spiritual healing coach for people who are ready to walk the healing path. I’ve dedicated the last decade to learning what it takes to really, truly heal, and I now share this with anyone wanting to uplevel their lives and relationships to experience more joy than they thought possible.

I’m certified in a whole host of modalities to support clients to transform; I’m a Yoga teacher, Reiki Master, creative coach, artist, facilitator, and much more, all using a trauma-informed approach. I’m also an award-winning artist and speaker; I’ve held over 20 events where I’ve shared my thoughts on manifestation, creativity and female empowerment to audiences of over 1000 people all over the world. I’ve been invited to speak on podcasts, been honoured to receive awards overseas and in the UK as well as been reviewed in The Guardian newspaper for my work raising awareness of mental health. I’ve been lucky to have supported hundreds of clients to step into their power and transform their lives.

It’s Time To:

  • Connect to your authentic essence and embody who you truly are
  • Remove the blocks that are holding you back so you can live the life you always dreamed of
  • Open your heart so you can experience deeper joy and wholehearted connection
  • Step into your divine feminine essence and take the lead in creating your dream life
  • Get your needs met so that you can enjoy deeper, more compassionate and fulfilling relationships
  • Heal unhealthy patterns so you can grab your life by the horns and manifest whatever you desire

RISE is for you if:

  • You’re a driven woman with a deep desire to live a meaningful, beautiful life.
  • You’re ready to begin to do the work to release trauma, even when it feels uncomfortable.
  • You’re searching for your own sisterhood of women on the same journey as you.
  • You want guidance and support to step into your highest self.
  • At some level, you believe you can do it.

It’s not for you if:

  • You’re not ready to make friends with your discomfort.
  • You truly believe that nothing is ever going to work for you, and nothing can change your mind.
  • You want someone else to do all the work for you while you sit back in front of the TV with take-out. I’m afraid that’s not how it works!

Got it – now give me the deets!

In this 8 week programme you’ll receive:

2 Sacred Cacao & Reiki Ceremonies so you can feel grounded and connected to your divine feminine power

8 Yoga sessions to move through any blocks stopping you from achieving your dream life

2 Coaching Sessions to learn tools and techniques so you can feel nourished and supported in relationships

2 Creation Sessions so you can express your creative side and heal your sacral chakra

2 Shakti Circles so you can connect with your sisterhood and feel held and supported


You’ll receive your very own self care gift package, including the highest grade fairtrade ethically sourced ceremonial Cacao, and everything you’ll need for each creation session (we sculpt a clay and gold leaf trinket tray and create a dreamcatcher) so that you can tap into your divine feminine. We’ll also send you a special gift handpicked by us.

Your investment for an unforgettable 8 weeks of transformative healing: £495

That works out to just over £30 per session, plus all materials are included!

We begin on the 20th March 2023, and we’ll meet online twice a week. All sessions are recorded and available to catch up for 6 months.


“I had such an amazing experience with Rehmat. She held the cacao ceremony in a quiet spot on my local beach. As someone who is new to meditation, Rehmat instinctively knew I would need guidance and her instructions were so soothing and reassuring. With her help I was able to clear my mind and notice the beauty of the sounds, smells and tastes I was experiencing. It was so peaceful and grounding, I instantly knew I wanted to incorporate her lessons into my every day life. Since the ceremony I have really thought about the affirmations and goals we talked about, and have found I am much more mindful and am living life at a far healthier pace. It was such a beautiful experience that it’s really stayed with me, and I hope to do another with her soon.” – CM

“Historically Yoga and Reiki practices are something I have always shied away from. However this was something I tried during a stressful, overwhelming time in my life. The energy, headspace and grounding it gave me helped make vital decisions and deal with extreme emotions. I would highly recommend keeping an open mind, this self care practice became invaluable to me. Thank you Rehmat for your guidance and care.” – AS

“There is a lightness in my chest today [after the Reiki session]…I can’t actually explain it but it’s like the heaviness in my heart has gone…it sounds quite dramatic but I feel different” – KM

“I feel proud that I’ve managed to have a voice through the reflection of yogic ideas – I feel like my self confidence for my ability has allowed me to shine. Despite worries about my physical strength I listened to my body and didn’t push too hard. I felt safe in this space that I didn’t have to put too much pressure on myself as I already do that daily. This felt like a space for gentle kindness.” – AB

“Tuesday’s yoga session with Orb Wellbeing was the best thing that happened to me that day. I was on the worst day of my period, I felt weak and low. She adjusted the whole session according to my energy levels, and did some Reiki on me. It is hard to describe how I felt…it was refreshing and calming at the same time, especially when I felt her hands resting on my shoulders. By the time the session ended I felt like I was my best self again. I was not feeling weak or dizzy anymore. Thank you” – FS

“I’ve learnt that I can speak out loud in a group. I’ve gained confidence in my ability to try. I’ve been able to close my eyes in front of people, just for a little time. I’ve enjoyed Yoga and the calmness that it brings.” – SD

“My Yoga sessions with Rehmat have been truly amazing. Initially, my perception of yoga was all about body strength and flexibility. Through Rehmat I learnt that yoga is a way of living: breath work, being at one with yourself and understanding your body and how powerful it is – not just physically but, most importantly, mentally. I always left the yoga sessions feeling refreshed and energised – my energy around me felt more positive.” – SR

Would you like to experience all these benefits and more? Join us on the journey home to yourself.

Questions? Book in a free consultation call